Welcome to the website of the practice-based research project Adapt at Work

A practice-based research project in higher education on the development of adaptive expertise in work-based learning contexts (2020-2024)

News (in Dutch only)

Adapt at Work has ended

This website will remain online until Jan. 1, 2026. Newsletter subscribers will be notified of where the results will be available after that. No new newsletters will be sent anymore.

Scientific articles yet to be published will still be posted on this website if possible.

Professionals increasingly face changes and challenges that require adaptability and innovation. The Adapt at Work research project investigates the development of the expertise needed for this, often referred to as adaptive expertise. Is there a difference between professional domains? How can we measure this? Which educational interventions work? How do we design work-based learning (WBL) environments and learning pathways that support this development? And how can we integrate this into higher education? To answer these questions we shuttle between theory and practice to discover what works, for whom, how and under what circumstances.

We are working together on this 3.5-year research project in a consortium of 6 universities of applied sciences and 5 universities.

This website gives you up-to-date information on the research, various parts of the research (the work packages), the results and events. Want to stay informed? Sign up for the newsletter (only in Dutch).

Adapt at Work is subsidised by the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO).

The project leaders are Prof. Loek Nieuwenhuis (HAN University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Lia Fluit (Radboudumc Health Academy) and Dr. Wietske Kuijer-Siebelink (HAN University of Applied Sciences).